BioGend Therapeutics was established in July 2016 with a noble vision to be an innovative solutions provider for holistic medical care to restore bone and joint functions. We are committed to develop regenerative orthobiologic products that fulfill unmet clinical needs. We strive to be a trusted healthcare partner helping people maintain a healthy and active lifestyle.

The teams at BioGend Therapeutics are led by seasoned managers with team members from different functional areas. Each project is carefully planned following the phase-gate process for effective and efficient execution. For highly regulated biomedical devices, the expertise in regulatory affairs and pre-clinical and clinical development is essential in order to gain regulatory approval and to realize the potential value of innovative bio-technologies. Through developing innovative bio-orthopaedic products and establishing world class GMP processes, we hope to elevate Taiwan’s biomedical industry to a new level.


“RevoCart” One-step Autologous Cartilage Repair System

RevoCart is a one-step autologous cartilage repair system developed by Biosyngen. It is the first “one-step cartilage repair” regenerative medicine product in Taiwan to complete pivotal clinical trials. RevoCart works by using a small amount of cartilage from a non-weight-bearing area of the patient’s own joint. The cartilage is then treated with enzymes and placed in a special scaffold, which is implanted in the joint defect. The scaffold will degrade and be absorbed over time as the autograft cartilage grows outward.